Friday, November 28, 2008


Ok so its been over 6 months since my last entry, but I'm BACK!!!

Of course that doesn't mean much, since I'm the only one reading this blog (proof, 67 hits, how pitiful is that). Of course it might just be a case of "if you build it they will come", but come on now, only 67 hits??? Clearly my writing is not for the masses.

So anyhow, My lil' sis Nat calls me the other day, to tell me how baby sis Chris has been posting very mean things on various family member's Facebook pages, resulting in a virtual Facebook war.

The end result of this virtual war is an all too real family strife, split along not very clear familial lines. At times like this I'm glad I'm not on Facebook. I can now safely play Switzerland and remain neutral. That is, unless they discover this blog and decide to take the family war to a new medium. Luckily I'm in control of this land (courtesy of Google) and can choose to exterminate any ugly sentiment that dares to rear its ugly head here.

Of course, you can do the same thing on Facebook, but then it kind of defeats the point of having, Facebook, doesn't it?

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