Tuesday, January 13, 2009

New to Facebook

In spite of my (not too) recent post - I did an about face (no pun intended) and joined Facebook. The way I saw it was - my background is in the online world, both in terms of eBusiness and online marketing. But my knowledge of social media tools such as Facebook is more limited. I am on LinkedIn, and I use that fairly extensively, but the professional flavour necessary for LinkedIn is pretty different from the much more social flavour of Facebook.

I find it remarkable how much time people spend keeping their Facebook profiles up to date. In effect though, its a pretty powerful tool for mapping out your life story. I'm sure it'll enrich (or even become!) many an autobiography.

For me, I'll continue to be the observer, and let the other Facebookers live that much more out loud.


Anonymous said...

Two years in, would you still consider yourself as only an observer or have you been sucked in?

async8 said...

4 years in and I'm still just an observer. Guess even via social media I'm still an introvert...